Upside down bottom view of the bare skillet after much scrubbing to remove the polymerized and carbonized oil seasoning. Shows some signs of corrosion which makes the rough surface a little rougher. The instructions for seasoning are wrong and counter productive. No wonder they went out of business.
The interior is as clean and bare as it is going to get without some serious effort. Not worth it for this piece. It is nice that there is a thumb rest which makes the skillet easier to handle. Strangely, it sits flat and does not wobble or spin. Perhaps thicker gauge casting is more resistant to warping. Also, the interior walls are a little sloped to make cooking a little easier to deal with.
1992 Wagner 1891 Original Size 8 Skillet
Weight : 4 lbs. 14.9 oz.
A collection of images from a recent vintage Wagner 1891 Original skillet. It is a commemorative piece to celebrate 100 years in business. These were made from 1991 to 1999. Based on where and when this piece was aquired UserX would have to place it in the 1992 range. It is believed later pieces from this company had rougher interior surfaces than this one.
This line of cookware looks nothing like the ones made in 1891. It is about the same quality as the Lodge skillets from the very early 1990's, but is certainly better than the ones made today. The interior surface is smooth, but the walls and exterior are somewhat rough. The interior walls seem a little short. It is a skillet that is not worth much; however, it is useful as a piece that takes a lot of abuse without any remorse. It goes on camping trips as something is needed to cook in and for the ability to use it as a hammer for splitting firewood with an equally disappointing, but resilient kitchen knife and also for driving tent stakes into the ground. Are you getting the picture here? Some things aren't worth much and may not be desireable and yet they are very useful nonetheless. Not everything can equate to the economy of dollars and cents.
The flash from the camera makes the skillet look better than it normally does and that is not saying much. You can zoom in on the images if you mouse over them. During autoplay zoom is disabled. Shrinking the browser window will shrink its contents possibly making it easier to view the gallery.
Valued in the range of $1 to $7.
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