
ADC (Acoutsic Dynamics Corporation)

Model 3500 6+ Electronic Automatic Programmable Multiplay Turntable, Circa 1979

A collection of images from a reconditioned fully functioning belt driven, two speed (33 1/3 and 45) turntable. Considered to be of near audiophile quality back in 1979 since the materials used were not as quality driven as the ADC Accutrac 4000; on the other hand, the 3500 +6 is more sophisticated. With the remote control you can play any set of songs in any order. The unit will gently lift and lower records and also includes volume control on the remote. Retailed for a little under $375 back in 1979.

The camera flash makes the unit look more dusty or dirty than it really is. You can zoom in on the images if you mouse over them. During autoplay zoom is disabled.

Valued in the range of $250 - $375 (with cartridge included)